Google tips for your business!
Hello all and welcome back to another blog from RED Digital. Today we’re sharing with you a video from our founder Bethan Wright…
Take a look at the full blog to find out more or visit Bethan’s Youtube channel for more.
Build relationships and grow on Twitter with Commun.it
commun.it is a free Twitter community manager which you can use for managing your accounts easily. By using commun.it you can follow/unfollow, check who unfollowed you, mention your most engaged members, send a thank you tweet, retweet popular tweets, reply unreplied tweets, find high-value members based on engagement level and influence level, monitor engagement in your community, find new relevant Twitter followers based on keyword, location and language, create groups, block certain members, create Twitter activity and Twitter engagement custom reports, and set up automatic daily and weekly campaigns to thank your top new followers and top engaged members.
Where to start? | Marketing Strategy 101 for Social Media
If you don’t even know where to begin when it comes to building a social media audience for your small business we can help. First off, take a look at this video below of our very own Director breaking down her best tips on how to grow your social media.