How can content marketing help your business

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that focuses on providing your ideal target audience with valuable content. 

This content can come in many different types, from Podcasts to e-books, YouTube videos to blogs. 

When a potential customer is provided with this content it can allow you to educate a buyer and gain their trust, so when they are ready to buy - well, you'll be the one that they turn to. 

Reach a specific audience

Brilliant content is not enough on its own - as knowing where and how to distribute your content is where the magic happens and is the key to content marketing.  

People go through a buying process before purchasing so knowing your businesses data, your current customers, and the journey that they take when deciding on a purchase will allow you to show the right content to the people that need to see it when they need to see it. Using this data you will be able to target people in the right way.

By creating multiple pieces of content to match each stage of someone's journey to buying, you will be able to follow up with additional content of value. This process will allow you to qualify potential customers and ensure that they convert into future customers. 

The benefits of content marketing? 

Content marketing is positive for both customers and businesses as it lets you provide your customers with what they want while letting you amplify your brand awareness and credibility in exchange.

Building Credibility will allow you to position yourself as an expert in your industry, consumers often look towards leaders in industries to better understand their needs and get relevant information and resources.  Creating content that is of value will allow you to position yourself as a business that customers will turn to for guidance.

Using content in your marketing strategy will allow your marketing to feel more personal to customers, as your content will be able to act as your businesses voice, speaking one-on-one with each customer and providing them with resources that can help them. 

So, what is the next step?

When you’re ready to get started with your content marketing, there are a few stages to consider. 

  1. Consider your goals, customers and the journeys they take when purchasing.

  2. Identify which content types would benefit your business most.

  3. Consider how you will implement your content into your sales funnel.

  4. Create Content based on your customers and the journeys they take.

  5. Monitor everything constantly to see how your content is performing.

At this point, you should have a good understanding of content marketing and how to get started.

Content marketing can be a fantastic cornerstone of your digital marketing, but business owners often don’t have an awful lot of time to create an effective content strategy. If you are looking for some help, why not Get in touch with us today? We can help you with either training to learn the process or social media management.


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