How to optimise your content marketing with analytics

Content is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. It helps you to attract and engage customers by providing them with relevant information. 

In our last blog we looked at hero content and how it can benefit your marketing. But, it’s not always easy to know what your potential customers want… 

The first step towards good content marketing is understanding customer behaviour, and identifying what type of content they like; and this is where analytics step in.

In this blog we’re sharing how analytics can help you make the most of your content.

What Are Analytics?

Marketing analytics refers to the process of collecting, analysing and reporting data related to marketing activities. 

From Instagram insights to website heatmaps, they come in many shapes and sizes, but they all use data to evaluate the effectiveness and success of marketing activities, allowing you to gather deeper consumer insights. 

The more data you have, the better decisions to save time and money while getting the best possible ROI. 

Using Analytics To Optimise Your Content

If you’re not using analytics to optimise your content marketing, then you are missing out on a great opportunity. 

By analysing the performance of your marketing using analytics, you’ll be able to spot patterns or trends that you can use to improve activities, allocate resources, and plan campaigns. 

Once you have that information, you’ll be able to start identifying trends and the topics that interest your audience the most, so that you can optimise the performance of the content that your audience responds best to. 

Keeping an eye on your analytics can help you to identify potential sources for new ideas, so that you can create new engaging content that will attract more visitors and convert clicks into conversions. 

Using Analytics To Generate Ideas

Do you already have an idea for a piece of content? It’s time for keyword research.

Keywords are words or phrases that people type into search engines or social media platforms when they are looking for something online. They’re relevant to your business and content can help to direct more visitors to your site or profile. 

A keyword research tool can help you find out what people are using when searching for information relating to your industry, so you can include them in your content.

If done correctly, keyword research will help you to create more interesting and accurate content while maximising your chances of performing well in search results, which will lead to increased traffic and conversions.

You can also use it to find out what keywords your competitors are using and how they rank in search engine results pages. 

Using Analytics For Research

Here at RED, we often get asked in the conversations we have with coaches ‘do you think I should… launch a course, a webinar, start a blog, etc’

9 out of 10 times our answer reverts to your audience… Do they want it? Did they ask for it? Have you asked them their thoughts? 

Analytics can be a powerful tool for gaining insights that can help you learn more about each competitor’s marketing strategies, discover trends in your industry, and define your value proposition. 

By studying how your competitors are marketing their services, you’ll develop a better understanding of the trends in your industry. You can then use this information to evaluate your own current marketing strategy and find sources for new opportunities. 

Once you have a better understanding after the research stage, a great next step is to host focus groups or BETA groups to get feedback and test your new idea with your ideal audience. 

So, What Now?

At this point, you should have a good understanding of what analytics are and how they can be used to measure your marketing.


Analytics can be a powerful tool, but business owners rarely have an awful lot of time to use them to their full potential.

If you are looking for some help, why not get in touch with us today?

We’re an award-winning marketing agency that helps B2B businesses to develop an online presence and turn their followers into customers, with marketing that works. We offer services ranging from strategy creation to full-service marketing where we can act as your very own marketing department, or even a done-with-you service like our 1:1 coaching option meaning no matter what your budget (or business model) we have a service to suit you.

To find out more about how we can help you scale up your marketing, book a call with one of the team here:




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